Monday 27 June 2022

How To Sleep With Tooth Nerve Pain

How To Sleep With Tooth Nerve Pain
How To Sleep With Tooth Nerve Pain

How Should I Sleep With Tooth Pain

Tooth Pain – 3 Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies – Immediate Pain Relief

Toothaches can intensify at night or when youre sleeping due to built-up pressure from the blood rushing to your head. Sinuses can also increase tooth pain at night due to mucus getting trapped in your sinuses when youre laying down. While less common, existing sinus problems can worsen tooth pain. In addition to using the acupressure points for toothache pain, you should sleep with your head elevated and avoid eating acidic, cold, or hard foods right before bed. You should also rinse your mouth with mouthwash and use an ice pack before bed.

I Cant Get To The Dentist Tonight What Should I Do

If it is the middle of the night, or too late to reach a dentist then there are some things you can do to temporarily ease the pain of your toothache.

Depending on what sort of toothache you are suffering from here are some helpful tips to try:

  • Sleep with head in an elevated position using pillows to prop your head up keep your head elevated so the blood isnt causing extra pressure on the sensitive areas.
  • Brush, floss and rinse your mouth gently with cold water this can help remove some of the trapped food that might be causing pain
  • Use clove oil soaked in a cotton ball and place over your painful tooth. This works well for tooth pain caused from cavities.
  • Rinse your mouth with hot salty water this is useful for sore or infected gums as the salty hot water will kill off the bacteria and ease the pain.
  • Over the counter pain medication can work great to dull the pain until you can see a dentist. Ibuprofen is best but can alternate with paracetamol making sure you dont overdo the dosage.
  • For a swollen face and sore gums, use an ice compress on the outside of your face to dull the ache.
  • If you suffer from teeth sensitivity avoid cold or hot foods and use some desensitising toothpaste and mouthwash before bed

Its worth noting that these are only some short term tips to temporarily avoid pain at night until you can get an appointment.None of these things will work in the long run, and they definitely wont cure it. The longer you wait the worse it is likely to get.

Tooth Pain Relief Is In Sight

Again, all of the above are temporary methods of toothache relief that can be achieved with household items, and are not intended to replace a dental check-up to diagnose the cause of the pain. Dental offices take emergency cases very seriously, and we are no exception, so if you have a dental emergency, please dont wait to call your local dentist.

Lastly, you should always call us in an emergency if at all possible.

If you have any questions about our services, hours of operation, or would simply like to set upan appointment with one of our dentists, dont hesitate to contact us immediately or by calling 954-9900.

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How To Reduce Morning Tooth Pain

Hopefully you recognize yourself in one or more of the above causes of morning tooth pain. While some causes of dental pain will require medical treatment, some of them may be successfully addressed at home. If youve just started experiencing tooth pain upon waking or are waiting for an appointment with your dentist, try the following tips to ease the pain.

Common Tooth Nerve Pain Symptoms

Toothache? OR Trigeminal Neuralgia?

The nerves inside of and around the teeth are highly sensitive. Typically, these nerves are protected by the hard exterior of the teeth. However, they can become exposed by damage or decay, leading to painful, persistent pain. Toothaches caused by nerve pain will need professional attention. Your dentist will diagnose and treat the issue. Some of the causes of tooth nerve pain are obvious, such as a broken, cracked, or chipped tooth. In other instances, decay can cause pain to occur slowly. Some of the most common symptoms of tooth nerve pain include:

  • Sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures
  • Sensitivity to acidic foods or beverages
  • A dull ache along the gum line
  • Sharp pain in one tooth

Persistent toothaches can keep you from sleeping and from fulfilling responsibilities at home or at work. Left untreated, tooth nerve pain is likely to continue and become even worse. Eventually, to fully treat the issue, you may need a more invasive procedure, such as a root canal.

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Reasons Why Your Tooth Pain Is Worse At Night

Theres something about toothaches in that they always seem to happen whenever the dentists office is closed, or youre out of town traveling somewhere. Just like Murphys law, it seems like most toothaches are at night while youre sleeping, or over the weekend! Theres even a good chance that it will be completely fine by the next morning, making you second-guess calling your dentists office.

Here are 7 reasons why its probably happening right when you go to bed:

Why Does My Toothache Get Worse At Night

There are several reasons why your toothache might get worse at night

You could have aggravated your teeth after eating dinner or a late night meal. Especially if you havent brushed there is potential for some food to still be stuck in between your teeth or gums causing aggravation.

You might have been suffering from a toothache during the day, but due to the everyday distractions of life you might not have been as aware of it. Sometimes it can take sitting down to relax at night for you to notice just how painful your teeth really are.

Another cause for late night toothaches can be due to grinding your teeth when stressed throughout the day. In turn this will have caused strain on your jaw resulting in pain at night. If you think you might be doing this, check out our article Can Stress Relief Help Prevent TMD?

The other reason, and probably the main reason why it gets worse at night for most, is due to blood flow when you lie down. When you lay down horizontally all the blood flows towards your head and face and therefore can cause pressure on the sensitive areas where your toothache is. This can cause that throbbing sensation that a toothache might give.

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Why Are Toothaches At Night So Painful

Toothaches are painful during the day but the pain at night seems to get worse and disturbs sleep.

Increase in pain during night time may be attributed to increased blood supply to the head and neck area while sleeping.

The increased blood supply puts extra pressure on the sensitive areas of the mouth, causing more throbbing and pain in the sensitive or decayed tooth.

It is also believed that at night you have very few distractions to take your focus away from the pain and this immensely impacts your sleep.

Here Is How You Permanently Kill Nerve Pain From A Tooth In 3 Seconds:

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  • Apply some anbesol around the tooth causing you pain.

  • Tie a piece of floss around the tooth.

  • Pull the floss really fast in less than 1 second.

  • The tooth should now be in your hands.

  • If the above method does not work, please do not try again. Its a technique for primary teeth and not adult teeth but if it does not work, what it means is that the tooth was not loose enough for you to do it at home. Instead you should contact your dentist immediately so that they can complete the procedure in a painless manner. Our LIC dentist are very competent in removing teeth and would be more than happy to help you.

    If you are still not able to make an appointment with a dentist, there are some natural home remedies you can try which can temporarily relieve the nerve pain from the tooth.

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    What Is A Toothache

    Toothaches come in all shapes and sizes. Some are dull and achy, others are sharp. Yours might come on suddenly or could throb on all day long, radiating through your face.

    Teeth typically hurt because of a hypersensitive nerve inside of the root, an infection somewhere in the gums around the tooth, or from pressure in an adjacent area.

    Toothaches usually ebb and flow, depending on whatever it is thats causing them. If you have tooth pain lying down, theres a good chance that pressure elsewhere in or around your mouth is contributing to the problem.

    Not all infected, , or dying teeth cause pain. If your teeth hurt bad enough that you need toothache home remedies, make sure you plan on seeing your dentist too.

    Best Position To Sleep With A Toothache

    The best way to sleep with a toothache is to elevate your head while you’re in bed. Doing so helps limit the effect of increased blood pressure to your head. You may have to put in some trial-and-error to find a comforting sleep position while elevating your head.

    It can help to use a quality pillow. Hybrid foam pillows are comfortable and will allow you to elevate your head.

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    How To Know If Your Toothache Is Serious

    If your toothache is constant, has a regular pattern each time it occurs and lasts longer than a day or two, you must visit your dentist to get the oral cavity examined for any possible cause.

    At times, your toothache will be accompanied by mild or high fever, earache, pain around the eyes and neck, headache and even pain on the wide opening of mouth. In such circumstances, consider your toothache to be serious and urgently visit your dentist.

    Sharp Pain When Biting

    Why Do My Teeth Hurt

    If youre experiencing a sharp pain when biting down, avoid hard foods such as nuts or sweets. You should also avoid foods which require a lot of chewing such as baguettes or tough meats. Try to use the other side of your mouth for chewing where you can.

    Take over-the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol to help relieve the pain if you need to.

    Sharp pain when biting down could be caused by tooth decay, a loose filling or a crack in your tooth. It might also mean theres damage to the pulp tissue inside your tooth, which could require treatment, such as a root canal.

    If you experience sharp pain when biting, you should book an appointment with your dentist when theyre reopen for routine dental care, so they can provide a long-term solution.

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    How To Get Toothache Pain Relief Instantly

    To know how to best manage a toothache at its source, you need to understand what its cause is.

    Nearly all tooth pain is caused byswelling inside a tooth.

    The reason why swelling inside the tooth causes more pain than swelling in any other part of the body is because the surrounding tooth structure is hard and inflexible.

    This means that the swelling inside the tooth has nowhere to go.

    Whereas most body parts can expand in size when inflamed, your teeth cannot accommodate such pressure.

    Holes in the tooth allow bacteria to infect the nerves inside the pulp- this causes the pulp to swell.

    This pressure is why a toothache can make you feel like your tooth is about to explode.

    The pulp inside the tooth becomes too large for the hard surface surrounding it.

    Now the agony makes sense.

    Understanding that the pain of a toothache is caused by swelling can help you get rid of such pain more effectively.

    The key is to gear everything you do toreducing the swelling inside the tooth.

    Anything you do that does not reduce this swelling will cause only fleeting relief at best.

    With this in mind, here are the best ways to reduce swelling quickly and therefore reduce toothache pain.

    Get fast relief using painkillers

    Painkillers are the best thing to stop a toothache in the short term.

    Over the counter painkillers should be your first port of call if you have a toothache

    Even over the counter pain medicine can provide a considerable amount of relief from toothache.

    Heres the deal:


    Five Pressure Points For A Toothache

    Acupressure can ease toothache pain through the release of feel-good endorphins. You administer acupressure by applying firm, steady pressure using your middle and index fingers to key meridian points throughout the body.

    The five pressure points for a toothache are:

    • Small Intestine 18 : Widely used for easing toothaches, tooth decay, and swollen gums.

    • Gallbladder 21 : Great for helping with neck and facial pain, as well as headaches.

    • Large Intestine 4 : Ideal for stress, headaches, and above-the-neck pain .

    • Stomach 6 : Best for mouth and tooth ailments.

    • Stomach 36 : Usually for tiredness, nausea, and stress .

    You may choose to use acupressure for temporary toothache pain, but it shouldnt be a substitute for appropriate dental care.

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    How Tooth Nerve Pain Happens

    Indeed, toothaches can take away the joy of eating your favorite meals. Sometimes, teeth sensitivity is a significant indication of severe dental health problems. Nerve pain in the tooth could happen due to cracked tooth, poor oral health, damaged tooth, and exposed nerve endings. Tooth pain may also occur due to infection, inflammation, and tooth loss. Pain is also a common effect after tooth extraction.

    So how does it happen? To understand how things go down, let us first about our teeth, nerves, and everything surrounding our teeth. The tooth enamel is the outermost layer of the teeth above the gumline. On the other hand, cementum is what protects the teeth from underneath. Both of them are supposed to protect the teeth. Dentin is a mineral filled with tubules that connect to the pulp of the nerve. When your dentin is exposed, the nerves experience sensitivity, and nerve pain occurs. The sensitivity is usually triggered by:

    • cold and hot food and drinks
    • sugary and acidic foods and beverages

    What Treatments Are Available

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    Treatment is based on the cause of your toothache.

    • If a cavity is causing the toothache, your dentist will fill the cavity or take the tooth out, if necessary.
    • A root canal may be needed if the cause of the toothache is an infection of the tooths nerve. Bacteria that have worked their way into the inner space of the root of the tooth cause such an infection.
    • An antibiotic may be prescribed if there is fever or swelling of the jaw. A small piece of food can get stuck under the gums causing an infection. In this instance, a deep cleaning may be performed or recommended followed by further periodontal therapy if necessary.

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    Orajel For Wisdom Tooth Pain

    If you cant take anything else for the pain, one of the best solutions is to use Orajel. Its a topical anesthetic that numbs your gums and can relieve some of the pain while youre waiting to get some real treatment.

    If you follow these instructions, most of your pain should stop in just a few days. If it doesnt, its best to contact your dentist or oral surgeon for more advice about what to do next.

    Anatomy Of Tooth Nerve Pain

    Each tooth is composed of four parts: enamel, cementum, dentin, and pulp.

    • Enamel is the strong outer-most substance on the tooth. Its purpose is to protect the tooth’s crown.
    • Cementum is the next layer, which protects a tooth’s root below the gumline.
    • Dentin comes next, although it’s not as dense as your enamel or cementum. Contained within the dentin are microscopic tubules, all of which connect to the tooth’s pulp.
    • The pulp houses a tooth’s nerves, so when the dentin has worn away, certain foods and drinks can reach the nerves via the tubules, resulting in tooth sensitivity.

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    Peppermint Leaves Peppermint Extract Or Peppermint Tea

    Peppermint is known for its ability to reduce swelling and soreness, so its no wonder there are so many ways you can utilize it to help with a toothache! If you have fresh peppermint leaves, you can chew them to help with the pain, or if they are dry, simply hold them against the tooth.

    If you have peppermint extract on hand, soak a cotton ball or a Q-tip in it and hold it on the affected tooth for a brief time.

    Finally, you can use peppermint in tea with just a few dry leaves in a cup of warm water. Simply steep them for 20 minutes and swish some in your mouth.

    Causes Of Tooth Nerve Pain: Why Does It Occur

    Toothache Treatment

    Cavity development on the tooth is the most common cause of toothache. Let us understand how a cavity forms.

    Cavity: How Does It Develop?

    Consumption of sugary and starch rich foods expose the tooth to acids frequently, resulting in mineral loss from the enamel.

    Infrequent tooth brushing habits cause poor oral hygiene, resulting in plaque accumulation.

    Plaque is a sticky film containing bacteria that coats the protective enamel of your teeth. These bacteria produce acids by breaking down the food debris and the acids penetrate the enamel leading to formation of white spots on the teeth.

    Appearance of white spot is an indication of the start of tooth cavity formation and can be reversed at this point.

    Ignoring it and continuing with the poor oral hygiene can cause more frequent acid attacks and finally destroying the enamel leading to formation of cavities.

    Damaged Filling

    Your filling may get damaged and wear out with time or before time due to improper care.

    The lost filling or damaged filling may expose the nerve endings of the tooth leading to toothache and sensitivity.

    Dental Abscess

    Dental abscess is pus formation in the tooth or periodontal structures due to bacterial infection.

    The pus accumulation exerts more than normal pressure on the tooth and surrounding structures resulting in throbbing toothache.

    Trauma Or Infection Of The Temporomandibular Joint

    Your jaw may get several sports injuries or trauma from bad oral habits like grinding and clenching of teeth.

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