Saturday 19 March 2022

How To Sleep To Avoid Neck Pain

How To Sleep To Avoid Neck Pain
How To Sleep To Avoid Neck Pain

How To Choose A Pillow For Shoulder Pain

How to Sleep to Avoid Neck Pain

Finding a new pillow to reduce shoulder pain might seem like a straightforward task, but there are several factors to consider based on your body type, normal sleep position, firmness and thickness preferences, and level of pain. Below, well list some of the most important variables to take into account when choosing a pillow and discuss the most common pillow types based on fill material.

When To Seek Professional Neck Pain Treatment

If you have exhausted all of your at-home options without relief, or if you think your symptoms are part of a more serious problem, it may be time to talk to your doctor about what really may be causing your neck and cervical pain as well as what treatment options you have. Dr. Williams and the exceptional team at Interventional Orthopedics of Atlanta are proud to offer a variety of exciting and effective neck pain treatments, including the breakthrough stem cell therapy, Regenexx®, and others. Once Dr. Williams has thoroughly evaluated your case, performed any necessary imaging studies, and determined what may be causing your neck pain, he will be able to recommend the most appropriate treatment for you.

The Best Sleeping Position For Neck Pain

Almost everyone has had a sore or stiff neck at some point in their lives. According to the World Health Organization, back and neck pain and arthritis, and bone fractures are among the most common disabling muscle or bone injuries.

Approximately 10% to 20% of adults experience neck pain at any given time. Neck pain usually resolves on its own, but it can develop into a persistent issue in around half of the cases.

Getting a good night’s sleep might be difficult with a tight neck. Making a few adjustments to your sleeping patterns, on the other hand, can help you manage your neck pain and avoid sleeping in unpleasant positions for long periods.

Let’s take a look at which sleeping positions are most likely to relieve neck pain. We’ll also look at other things you can do before bed to help alleviate pain.

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What You Can Do About Neck Pain From Sleeping

So, what now? Just go about your day in pain, with your neck tilted? No! Time to take action.

Although time can be some of the best medicine for a sore or stiff neck, we want to speed the healing process along AND cut down on the risk you wake up with neck pain again. First things first: If you woke up with neck pain, get some ice on it. Try 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. That will cut down on the inflammation. Ditto an over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug like Motrin .

If its been a few days and your neck pain is stubbornly hanging around, switch from ice to heat. Again, 20 minutes on, 20 off is a good starting point. If your neck pain is caused by a spasming muscle, heat can help it relax and get the blood flowing to it. A gentle massage of the area can sometimes work for the same reason, but be careful not to overdo it.

Stretching, which may prove helpful as well, straddles the line between treatment and prevention. By the time youre actually in pain it may be too late for stretching to help, but keeping your muscles loose and supple can reduce your risk of future neck ligament sprains, muscle and tendon strains, and torticollis.

Try stretching your neck through multiple planes of movement:

  • Try to touch your right ear to your right shoulder. Push gently on the left side of your head. Come back through center, and repeat on the left side. Do 10 reps each of left and right.

Best Sleeping Positions For Neck Pain

10 Home Remedies For Neck Pain That Give Quick Relief

The best sleeping positions for the neck are on your back or your side. The back in particular is recommended just make sure to use a pillow that supports the curvature of your neck and a flatter pillow to cushion your head.

If you sleep on your side, use a taller pillow under your neck so your neck aligns with your head. This will relieve any strain on your neck and keep your spine straight.

The trouble with sleeping on your stomach is that you have to twist your neck to keep your head on its side, which puts pressure on the nerves. You can try to retrain yourself to adopt another position, using pillows to coax yourself and to support you in a side or back-lying position. If you must sleep on your stomach, use a thin pillow or no pillow, trying to keep awkward angles at a minimum.

For all sleep positions with neck pain, you should use a pillow under your neck that provides support, such as a rolled towel or cervical pillow.

There is also such a thing as neck pain from sleeping wrong. Sometimes you wake up with neck pain. Sleeping at an awkward angle, sudden head or neck movements during sleep or neck strain from injury may cause neck pain. In addition to utilizing treatments to relieve this neck pain, make sure that future sleep includes a good pillow for neck support.

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Other Causes Of Neck Pain When You Wake Up

There are certainly other causes that can also contribute to you waking up with neck pain. In some cases, you may develop a sore neck during the day, too. Some common causes of neck pain include:

  • poor posture during the day
  • working too long at a computer, or watching television for too long without changing positions
  • osteoarthritis in one of the upper spinal joints
  • nerve compression caused by a herniated disk or bone spur in your neck

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Choosing The Best Pillows For Neck And Shoulder Pain

If you want to get rid of neck or shoulder pains, then you have to look for the best pillows available today. The following are just some of the most effective options:

1) Memory foam pillows

Memory foam pillows offer excellent support when compared with other types of pillows. These cushions conform perfectly to your shape so that you wont experience any discomfort as you move about. Additionally, memory foam pillows help relieve muscle aches by providing deep pressure points.

2) Orthopedic pillows

Orthopedic pillows come equipped with special features such as built-in lumbar support They also feature adjustable straps that allow users to customize their cushioning according to their needs. In addition, orthopedic pillows are designed to fit all sizes and shapes.

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How To Get Rid Of Neck Pain From Sleeping Wrong: Treatment And Prevention

You roll over in bed and feel the excruciating twinge in your neck.

Youve slept wrongagain.

Waking up with a sore neck is the worst way to start the day. But what can you do?

If youre wondering how to get rid of neck pain from sleeping wrong, youve come to the right place.

Keep reading to learn why you might be waking up with a sore neck and your treatment and prevention options to help you wake up pain-free.

When In Doubt Sleep At An Incline

How To Prevent Neck Pain From Sleeping

If youve tried everything, and if youre still facing morning discomfort, you may need to sleep at an incline. A lot of people prefer sitting in a recliner, or upon an adjustable bed, to maintain healthy spine support while easing nightly stress. Dont worry: Youll get used to the slant in time.

Overall, you should maintain a healthy schedule of at least eight hours of sleep per night. Treat your body with care, and dont give it a reason to toss and turn, needlessly, throughout the week. Additionally, it may be time to visit your physical therapist to further reduce pain. Often, a physical therapist can help relieve pain through hands-on treatment, and custom exercises to improve flexibility and strength.

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How Often Should You Replace Your Mattress

Its possible to buy a mattress with a 20-year or 30-year warranty. The product may even hold up that long for you. Heres the issue, though: Your body can change a lot over a few decades, notes Dr. Bang.

What youre looking for in a mattress will probably change as you age, says Dr. Bang. Whats right for the 30-year-old you might not be the best choice for the 50-year-old or 60-year-old version of yourself.

Given that, its best to change mattresses about every eight to 10 years especially if youve experienced physical changes such as an injury or a significant weight gain or loss.

Match Your Pillow Height With Your Sleeping Position

While there is no single pillow height that works best for all sleepers, you want a pillow that supports the natural curve of your neck. To help ease the stress on your neck, follow these guidelines for choosing the correct pillow based on your preferred sleeping position:

  • Back Sleepers may benefit from a thin pillow. Test if a pillow is right for you by lying down on the pillow and having a family member or friend take a picture of the curve of your neck. Ideally, the curve of your neck will look similar to when you’re standing with good posture .

    See Different Types of Pillows

  • Side Sleepers typically need a thicker pillow than back sleepers to ensure the neck and head are positioned in the middle of the shoulders. Your height and the width of your shoulders will help determine the kind of pillow you ought to buyso if youre petite you will need a slimmer pillow than if youre broad-shouldered.
  • See Best Pillows for Different Sleeping Positions

If youre a back or side sleeper, you may also benefit from placing a small roll-shaped pillow under your neck for additional supportor you can simply use a rolled-up towel.

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Pick A Mattress For Pain

The firmness or softness of your mattress affects your spinal health, since a mattress thats too soft can cause the spine to fall out of alignment and can cause your shoulders to curl underneath you, leading to stiffness in the neck and upper back. A mattress thats too firm can cause joint pressure in the hips, leading to back pain.

How To Prevent Sleep Disturbances

Sleeping Positions that Cause Neck Pain

The first and foremost way to avoid neck pain when sleeping is simple: get into the right position. That means sleeping on your side or back. Here are some specific recommendations:

1. If you do sleep on your back, choose a rounded pillow to support the natural curve of your neck, with a flatter pillow cushioning your head, notes Harvard Medical School. You can either insert a neck roll into the pillowcase of another pillow or get a specially designed neck support pillow.

2. Feather pillows are a good choice because they will adapt to your necks shape. Replace them annually.

3. Pillows made of memory foam can also be helpful in getting the shape ideal for your body.

4. You dont want the pillow to be excessively big or firm since either quality can increase pressure.

5. If you are lying on your side, you want the pillow to be higher beneath your neck.

6. Traveling can often exacerbate neck issues. A horseshoe-shaped pillow can support your neck and prevent your head from dropping to one side if you doze, explains Harvard. If the pillow is too large behind the neck, however, it will force your head forward. This type of pillow can even be helpful on the couch when watching TV.

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How To Sleep With A Stiff Neck And Shoulder

  • Change your position Poor sleeping position might not only make it hard to sleep with neck and shoulder pain, it may also be the cause of your pain. Avoid sleeping on your stomach because it forces you to turn your head for hours at a time, which strains your neck and shoulders.

    Instead, sleep on your back or on your side. Make sure your spine is aligned and supported to help reduce and prevent a stiff neck and shoulder.

  • Use a better pillow A pillow that is too flat or too big will cause your neck to be out of alignment while sleeping. Youll wake up with a stiff neck and shoulder on a regular basis.

    Find a pillow that provides the right amount of support you need to keep your neck aligned with your spine.

  • Stretch and exercise Stretching and exercising on a regular basis can help keep your muscles strong and flexible to help prevent stiffness. Stretching before going to bed and when waking up can help reduce stiffness in the neck and shoulder when sleeping.
  • Visit a physical therapist Your stiffness may be connected to an injury or a chronic medical condition that requires professional treatment. Physical therapists can examine your neck and shoulders to identify the cause of your pain and stiffness. They can guide you through a personalized treatment routine to help you manage your pain, improve your range of motion and perform simple tasks, such as getting a good nights sleep.
  • The Worst Sleeping Positions

    The worst sleeping position is sleeping with your knees bent and drawn up to your chin with the chin bent down, creating a curled up ball-like position. This not only causes multiple neck and back pains, but also restricts your breathing.

    Sleeping on your stomach is also a bad position that strains your neck and creates back pain.

    Since it requires you to tilt your head to face one way or another, it strains your neck. This position causes back pain because it doesnt properly support your spine.

    At Health by Logic, we provide chiropractic care to relieve back and neck pain in Beavercreek, Ohio that can be caused by sleeping incorrectly. If youre waking up in pain, make sure to schedule a consultation today!

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    Sleep On Your Back If You Can

    In general, sleeping on your back is the best position to let your entire spine rest comfortably. Some people with neck problems find it helps to sleep on their back and place a pillow under each arm, with the idea that supporting each arm takes strain off the neck.

    Some people with spinal arthritis or stenosis may find that sleeping at a slight incline is easier, so they add a foam wedge pillow to their bed and/or switch to an adjustable bed.

    Keeping A Neck Healthy

    How to Sleep To Avoid Neck Pain

    Prevent the lifestyle-limiting impacts of a stiff neck by taking simple steps to maintain spinal alignment and keep neck muscles, tendons and ligaments flexible. A healthy neck is important because of the critical role it plays in so many movements and activities. Keeping the neck strong and healthy can prevent painful stiff neck episodes and enable you to continue enjoying favorite activities.

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    The Experts At Pro~pt Can Help With Your Neck Pain From Sleeping Wrong

    Are you ready to find relief from your neck pain?

    The physical therapists at PRO~PT are fully licensed and have helped rehabilitate many patients who were suffering neck pain and know just what you need.

    When you come in for your first visit, well perform a complete evaluation of your posture and range of motion before creating a treatment plan just for you.

    Our team is dedicated to giving you unparalleled and innovative care, to help you return to your best quality of life.

    If youre suffering from neck pain, contact PRO~PT today and get back on the path to being pain-free.

    Dont Use Your Phone Too Much

    It is already mentioned in this article that using your phone is can be one of the causes of your neck pain. Which is why if you have neck pain, avoid using your phone.

    You will have the tendency to tilt your head downwards and stay that way or too long. And this can add more stress around your neck that can worsen the pain. Only use your phone for a few minutes when needed.

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    Is It Better To Sleep Without A Pillow To Avoid Neck Pain

    Is it better to sleep without a pillow to avoid neck pain? Or, does sleeping without a pillow actually lead to neck pain? There are a few advantages of sleeping without a pillow to consider, especially for your posture.

    Sleeping without a pillow will actually help extend your back and help you rest in a more natural position, possibly without any aches or pains. At the same time, using a pillow that is too soft will strain your neck muscles and reduce the flow of blood to the head.

    Overall, sleeping without or with a pillow is a personal choice. That being said, here are some sleeping without a pillow benefits that you need to know:

    What Can You Do To Remedy This

    Best Pillows for Neck Pain of 2017: the top pillows ranked ...

    If you have shoulder problems, try a different sleeping position to relieve the injured shoulder of having to support your weight, which will help it heal faster. To get the pain relief you need without creating more injuries, you should try to sleep on your back, because it will help your spine remain aligned while keeping your weight off your injury.

    Why not sleep on your stomach? Excellent question. Because unless you have a superpower that lets you breathe through your pillow, you’ll have to turn your head to sleep on your stomach. And that is exactly the kind of awkward position which will cause you neck pain in addition to probably exacerbating your existing shoulder pain. You don’t want that kind of hassle in your life – take it from a former stomach sleeper.

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