Sunday 3 October 2021

Can A Brain Tumor Cause Neck And Shoulder Pain

Can A Brain Tumor Cause Neck And Shoulder Pain
Can A Brain Tumor Cause Neck And Shoulder Pain

Meningitis And Brain Infections

How to relieve Neck Pain, Headaches and Shoulder Pain

Meningitis is infection of the tissues around and on the surface of the brain and encephalitis is infection of the brain itself. Brain infections can be caused by germs called bacteria, viruses or fungi and they are thankfully rare. They cause a severe, disabling headache. Usually patients are sick and cannot bear bright light . Often they have a stiff neck, too stiff for the doctor to be able to bend the head down so that the chin touches the chest . Patients are usually also unwell – hot, sweaty and ill.

When Should I Be Worried About A Headache

Most headaches don’t have a serious underlying cause. However, healthcare professionals are trained to ask you about the signs and symptoms that might suggest your headache needs further investigation, just to make sure it’s nothing serious.

The things which would suggest to your doctor and nurse that your headache might need further investigation include the following. They do not mean that your headache is serious or sinister, but they mean that the doctor or nurse might wish to do some further checks to be sure:

  • You have had a significant head injury in the previous three months.
  • Your headaches are worsening and accompanied by high temperature .
  • Your headaches start extremely suddenly.
  • You have developed problems with speech and balance as well as headache.
  • You have developed problems with your memory or changes in your behaviour or personality as well as headache.
  • You are confused or muddled with your headache.
  • Your headache started when you coughed, sneezed or strained.
  • Your headache is worse when you sit or stand.
  • Your headache is associated with red or painful eyes.
  • Your headaches are not like anything you have ever experienced before.
  • You have unexplained vomiting with the headache.
  • You have low immunity – for example, if you have HIV, or are on oral steroid medication or immune suppressing drugs.
  • You have or have had a type of cancer that can spread through the body.

Will I Need Surgery For Neck Pain

Most patients with neck pain respond well to non-surgical treatments, so cervical spine surgery is seldom needed to treat it. In fact, less than 5% of neck pain patients need surgery.

Surgery is typically a last resort, explains Dr. Penhollow, unless it’s an acute disc herniation compression on the spinal cord where it’s a neurosurgical emergency, such as when someone experiences loss of bowel or bladder control, or extreme weakness in the limbs where decompression of the cord is imperative.

You may need cervical spine surgery if:

  • Non-surgical treatment is not helping. That is, you’ve tried a combination of medication, chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage, exercises, and more, and you’re still in pain.
  • Your pain is worsening. A pinched nerve in your neck called cervical radiculopathy can lead to pain, numbness, and weakness in your shoulders or down your arms. If your pain is worsening, surgery can remove the source of pressure on your nerves .
  • Your spinal cord is being compressed. Certain neck conditions can put pressure on your spinal cord. You may experience pain or stiffness, problems with balance, or have difficulties with fine motor skills.
  • You experience progressive neurological symptoms. If you are feeling numbness, tingling and weakness in your arms and legs and/or are having trouble with balance or walking.

What Kinds of Surgery Are Used For Neck Pain?

There are two common types of cervical spine surgeries performed to relieve neck pain:

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Where Gum Disease Starts

Gum disease occurs in the adult population at an alarmingly high rate, with 50 to 90 out of 100 adults experiencing gingivitis. It can come on relatively quickly, starting within ages 10 to 21, and stems from changes in oral hygiene practices.

You’ll likely notice these signs of gum disease:

  • Gums that are red, swollen, or tender
  • Pain while chewing
  • Teeth that are loose or sensitive
  • Gum line that is receding/appearance of longer-than-normal teeth

Your mouth is normally moist with saliva and full of bacteria . Throughout the day, saliva, bacteria, and other particles form a substance called plaque. When the plaque is not removed by brushing or flossing your teeth, the plaque can form tartar on your teeth.

While plaque can be removed by brushing and flossing, tartar can only be removed by a professional dentist or dental hygienist. The plaque and tartar can eventually cause inflammation of your gums due to bacteria-induced gingivitis.

Gingivitis, fortunately, is reversible most of the time. At this mild stage of gum disease, your teeth are intact and your gum and bone structures supporting your teeth will all be intact.

To prevent worsening of gum disease, you should regularly do the following to reverse gingivitis:

  • Brush your teeth
  • Floss your teeth
  • Receive a professional cleaning by your dentist

Head And Neck Cancer Risk


Cancer of the head and neck has many cases each year throughout the world, most of which occur in the mouth or in middle part of the throat . While there are many causes that can be associated with the development of a head and neck cancer, oral hygiene habits have also been associated with modifying your risk of developing cancer.

Imbalance of the normal bacterial flora in your mouth as a result of gum disease is thought to be the main reason for increased risk of head and neck cancer. Studies link the following oral conditions to the development of head and neck cancers:

  • Gum disease present
  • Five or more teeth missing
  • Brushing teeth less than once a day
  • Visiting the dentist less than once per year

The above conditions increase your risk for both gingivitis and periodontitis. There are two;main rationales considered for the development of head and neck cancer from gum disease:

  • The first reason is related to bacteria associated with gingivitis. Porphyromonas gingivalis is the main bacteria associated with gingivitis and has been identified in high quantities of head and neck cancerous tumors.
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    How Fertility Might Be Affected

    For women: Talk to your cancer care team about how radiation might affect your fertility .;Its best to do this before starting treatment so you are aware of possible risks to your fertility.

    Depending on the radiation dose, women getting radiation therapy in the pelvic area sometimes stop having menstrual periods and have other symptoms of menopause. Report these symptoms to your cancer care and ask them how to relieve these side effects.Sometimes menstrual periods will return when radiation therapy is over, but sometimes they do not.

    See Fertility and Women With Cancer to learn more.

    For men: Radiation therapy to an area that includes the testicles can reduce both the number of sperm and their ability to function. If you want to father a child in the future and are concerned about reduced fertility, talk to your cancer care team before starting treatment. One option may be to bank your sperm ahead of time.

    See Fertility and Men With Cancer to learn more.

    About The Signs And Symptoms Of A Brain Tumour

    Symptoms depend on where the tumour is in the brain and how slowly or quickly it grows. They may develop suddenly, or slowly over months or even years.

    As a tumour grows, it can press on or grow into nearby areas of the brain. This can cause symptoms because it stops that part of the brain from working normally. Symptoms can also happen because the tumour is increasing the pressure inside the skull.

    These symptoms can be caused by conditions other than a brain tumour. But it is important to get them checked by your GP straight away.

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    Symptoms Of Frequent Fall Caused Due To Spinal Cord Tumor In Neck

    Patient during initial phase of spinal cord tumor growth in neck often gives a medical history of frequent fall and difficulties to get in and out of chair. History of frequent fall and presence of severe pain in extremities with or without numbness is often diagnosed as joint arthritis of leg. History of pain, tingling and fall is a warning sign of possible disease involving spinal cord and immediate MRI or CT Scan should be requested to rule out spinal cord tumor. In few cases patient may not give history of fall but may give history of difficulties to get in and out of bed as well as unable to stand from sitting position without support.

    Neck Pain Can Signal Serious Disease

    Airrosti Helps Brain Tumor Survivor w/ Severe Neck Pain & Migraine Headaches

    Neck pain can sometimes signal a serious underlying medical issue that needs to be checked by a doctor. Typically, such neck pain will be accompanied by at least one other symptom, often before the stiff or painful neck occurs.

    Additional symptoms can include fever, headache, nausea, unexplained drowsiness, confusion or mood swings, unexplained weight loss, or pain that spreads to arms or legs. All these symptoms, along with neck pain, are reasons to check with your doctor.

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    Consequences Of Not Treating Neck Pain At Base Of Skull

    Treatment starts with having an accurate diagnosis.; Unfortunately during COVID in-person examinations are rare.; In-office examinations are brief at best with little or no physical examination. This is made worse by the fact the area is complex and not well understood by many providers.; The wrong diagnosis can lead to the wrong treatment which may ultimately lead to medication dependence, addiction, or life-altering surgery.

    Consequences of No Treatment

    • Inability to enjoy family, friends, and favorite activities such as skiing, cycling, and walking
    • Possible dependence on NSAID or pain killers
    • Progression of the underlying muscle, facet, disc, or ligament injuries.; This in turn can limit treatment options.
    • Nerve injury which can become permanent.

    A Lump In The Neck Jaw Or Mouth

    A lump in the jaw or mouth is a common sign of head and neck cancer. Lumps can also form in the lips.

    A lump in the neck may be a sign of thyroid cancer. Or it may be caused by an enlarged lymph node. Swelling in one or more lymph nodes in the neck is a common symptom of head and neck cancer, including mouth cancer and salivary gland cancer.

    Lumps that come and go are not typically due to cancer. Cancer usually forms a lump that slowly gets bigger.

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    Anatomy Of Spinal Cord In Neck

    The spinal cord in neck is divided in 7 segments. There are 8 cervical nerves that branches out from spinal cord in neck. The first cervical nerve lies above first cervical segment of spinal cord and remaining 7 are directly connected to 7 segments of spinal cord. These 8 cervical nerve supplies all anatomical structures of neck and upper extremities.

    Hundreds of nerve cells and bundle of several hundred of sensory and motor nerves fibers form spinal cord. These nerve fibers are linearly extended up and down to and from brain to peripheral tissue. Spinal cord is covered by three membrane known as pia, arachnoid and dura mater. The space between pia and arachnoid mater is filled with fluid known as cerebrospinal fluid. The space outside dura mater is known as epidural space. Spinal cord tumor in neck is divided into three types depending on location where the tumor is situated within spinal cord in neck.

    What Types Of Headache Are Serious Or Dangerous

    Neck and Shoulder Pain: Causes and Treatments

    All headaches are unpleasant and some, such as headache from medication misuse, are serious in the sense that when not tackled properly they may never go away. However, a few headaches are signs of serious underlying problems. These are uncommon – in many cases very rare.

    Dangerous headaches tend to occur suddenly, and to become progressively worse over time. They are more common in older people. They include the following:

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    Since A Brain Tumor Stays Fixed In Place It Stands To Reason That Once You Get Symptoms They Will Be Constant

    Or might they actually come and go?

    Its not uncommon for a person who fears they might have a brain tumor to adopt the following line of logic:

    My symptoms arent always there. They come and go. A brain tumor stays in the same place, so once it starts causing symptoms, theyd be continuous, there all the time. Since my symptoms are sometimes absent, then this must mean I dont have a brain tumor.

    If Youre Getting Radiation Therapy To The Breast

    If you have radiation to the breast, it can affect your heart or lungs as well causing other side effects.

    Short-term side effects

    Radiation to the breast can cause:

    • Skin irritation, dryness, and color changes
    • Breast soreness
    • Breast swelling from fluid build-up

    To avoid irritating the skin around the breast, women should try to go without wearing a bra whenever they can. If this isnt possible, wear a soft cotton bra without underwires.

    If your shoulders feel stiff, ask your cancer care team about exercises to keep your shoulder moving freely.

    Breast soreness, color changes, and fluid build-up will most likely go away a month or 2 after you finish radiation therapy. If fluid build-up continues to be a problem, ask your cancer care team what steps you can take. See Lymphedema;for more information.

    Long-term changes to the breast

    Radiation therapy may cause long-term changes in the breast. Your skin may be slightly darker, and pores may be larger and more noticeable. The skin may be more or less sensitive and feel thicker and firmer than it was before treatment. Sometimes the size of your breast changes it may become larger because of fluid build-up or smaller because of scar tissue. These side effects may last long after treatment.

    After about a year, you shouldnt have any new changes. If you do see changes in breast size, shape, appearance, or texture after this time, tell your cancer care team about them right away.

    Less common side effects in nearby areas

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    Life Expectancy Outcome And Prognosis Of Spinal Cord Tumor Of Neck

    The prognosis depends on symptomatic relief. Outcome is favorable depending on early diagnosis and when spinal cord tumor mass in neck is small resulting in longer life expectancy. Survival rate of patient with spinal cord tumor of neck is higher resulting in longer life expectancy when tumor mass is small and operable. Small benign tumor mass is often completely removed and recurrence is rare. The life expectancy and survival rate following surgical treatment resulting in complete removal of spinal cord tumor of neck is excellent. Patient may expect a prolonged normal life expectancy unless patient is suffering from any other serious illnesses. The prognosis is also excellent in such cases after removal of the tumor. The symptomatic pain relief and improvement in numbness as well as weakness is satisfactory when most of the large benign tumor is surgically removed.

    The outcome and prognosis is worst in spite of surgical treatment and chemotherapy when large tumor mass has infiltrated into spinal cord or causes severe compression of spinal cord. Life expectancy in such cases is less than 5 years and survival rate is very low beyond 5 years. Prognosis is also not satisfactory with malignant spinal cord tumor of neck when tumor mass is compressing the spinal cord and possibly infiltrated in spinal cord. Life expectancy is often less than few months when large tumor mass is aggressive and malignant. Survival rate in such cases is very low often counted in weeks or months.

    White Or Red Patches In The Mouth Or Throat

    Khaliq – Lung Cancer, Upper Back Pain, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Wrist Pain, Nocturia

    An abnormal-looking patch could be a sign of cancer or precancerous changes.

    • White patches are called leukoplakia.
    • Red patches are called erythroplakia.

    These patches are not cancer. If left untreated, however, they may lead to cancer. A fungal infection called oral thrush can also cause red and white patches.

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    Mri Of Neck Vertebral Column And Spinal Cord

    MRI study gives better information details of abnormalities associated with soft tissue like spinal cord, ligaments and tendons. While CT scan provides better information of bones and cartilages. The spinal cord compression and infiltration of spinal cord tumor of neck is evaluated with MRI for detailed information. The decision to perform surgery depends on adherence or infiltration of tumor in to spinal cord and MRI provides information of tumor behavior.

    What Are The Most Common Nonsurgical Treatments For Neck Pain

    If you are experiencing chronic pain , it is important to seek medical attention for further evaluation and treatment. Treatments for neck pain vary, depending on the cause and duration of the neck pain you are experiencing. Many neck pain patients find relief in using one or a combination of these therapies. The most common treatments include:

    Medications: Both over-the-counter and prescription medications may help manage neck pain, reduce inflammation, and decrease muscle spasm and sleep disturbance. The first line of treatment when it comes to neck pain medication is typically non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications , such as ibuprofen and naproxen, and acetaminophen . Some NSAIDS can be applied topically to the skin, such as Voltaren Gel and Aspercreme; other topical treatments include Icy-Hot, lidocaine based patches, and CBD creams/ointments.

    Prescription medications such as muscle relaxers and nerve pain medications are sometimes considered, says Dr. Bonte. Muscle relaxants are used more often for acute pain rather than chronic pain.

    For those with neuropathic neck pain, injections including a steroid and pain reliever may be effective, especially if done in conjunction with physical therapy. Ablation of the nerves near the neck joints may improve mobility and reduce pain, too.

    Complementary therapies:Alternative treatments may be helpful in managing neck pain. Some of the more popular complementary therapies for treating neck pain include:

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