Thursday 30 September 2021

Can Fibromyalgia Cause Shoulder Pain

Can Fibromyalgia Cause Shoulder Pain
Can Fibromyalgia Cause Shoulder Pain

Are You A Side Sleeper

Fibromyalgia & Pain Management : Causes of Neck & Shoulder Pain

Sleeping on the side can tend to constrict the clavicle area on the side you are sleeping on. However, if you are one of those people who falls asleep more easily on your side, then try to at least switch positions if possible to avoid more constriction around this area.;I often find it interesting that what happens on the back side of the body can affect the front side and vice versa . This occurs with pelvic pain and lower back pain, abdominal pain and back pain, and yes, even clavicle pain and trapezius pain in fibromyalgia.;

Neck Pain From Fibromyalgia

See All About Neck Pain

The cause of fibromyalgia is still unknown, but the syndrome is better understood by doctors today compared to several years ago. When people with fibromyalgia receive an accurate diagnosis and start treatment, the condition can usually be managed well enough to experience an improved quality of life.

Shoulder And Arm Pain In Fibromyalgia


Can anyone describe the pain they get in shoulder and arms. I understand from what I have read that shoulder pain common in fibromyalgia. I have been diagnosed with mild fibromyalgia against a background of osteoarthritis in knees neck hip and lower back. I have a lot of pain with neck from oa but now having lot of pain in shoulders and arms including hands. Left side is the worse. Not sure if it’s fibromyalgia or oa. Thanks.

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  • Posted 2 years ago

    It’s like a deep pain that runs under the skin and any pressure will cause the pain to deepen and increase and takes a while to ease off, but can get very intense. Sometimes it feels like a burning sensation and other times like intense pins and needles. Pain specifically in the shoulders and arms wouldn’t really be typical of fibromylgia to my knowledge, for me it’s anywhere and everywhere. There is a condition called Polymylgia Rheumatica that’s affects the shoulders specifically, causing pain down the arms and the hands can be affected also, plus hips. Do you find it difficult to lift your arms? This would also be a symptom of Polymylgia. On the other hand its may be from your OA, pain in the neck can cause a whole range of problems really. Might be worth mentioning Polymylgia to your doctor, if a dose of 5mg to 10mg of steroids for a few days makes a difference in your pain then likely it is Polymylgia, if it makes no difference, then it’s not. Best of luck, hope you find some answers!

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    Can Fibromyalgia Cause Back Pain

    Most people will experience back pain at some point in their life. And while there are many causes of back pain, one that can be difficult to diagnose is fibromyalgia.

    Over 80 percent of people, regardless of other physical health issues, will experience back pain at some point in their lives. So knowing the difference between fibromyalgia back pain and regular back pain can be tough, says Amy Orr, a chronic pain advocate and researcher, and author of Taming Chronic Pain: A Management Guide for a More Enjoyable Life.

    Fibromyalgia causes symptoms such as chronic widespread pain, along with fatigue, sleep problems, and mood or memory issues.

    Fibromyalgia pain affects the muscles and soft tissues of the body. The back, in particular, may be affected because it has many muscles that are needed for posture.

    Because fibromyalgia affects muscles directly, is an easy place to become sore, says Orr, who has had symptoms of fibromyalgia for most of her life, including chronic back pain.

    The other thing that separates fibromyalgia pain from pain due to other conditions is that it generally occurs throughout the body, rather than in just one place.

    Back pain can be one of the areas where a person with fibromyalgia can have pain, but to really have fibromyalgia, they need to have pain in several different locations, says Lyn Hulst, MD, a chronic pain management specialist at in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

    The Catecholamine/sympathetic Nervous System Paradox Shows Up Again

    Fibromyalgia, I have a lot of pain in my neck and ...

    Just as we saw in an earlier ME/CFS blog, the levels of main drivers of the sympathetic nervous system the catecholamines did not correlate with the sympathetic nervous activation that occurred. In fact, catecholamine levels were significantly reduced in the FM; patients. ;In later blogs well be looking in the role the vagus and other nerves may play in the enhanced fight/flight activity in both these disorders.

    First, though, a look at yet another disorder that may have ties to both FM and ME/CFS.

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    What You Need To Know About Fibromyalgia

    Like arthritis, fibromyalgia is considered a rheumatic condition because impacts the muscles, joints, and bones. SeeHow Arthritis Causes Joint Pain

    The term fibromyalgia stems from the Latin fibra, for fibrous tissue, the Greek words mys for muscle, and algia for pain. Before the 1980s, the condition was called fibrositis.

    Fibromyalgia does not harm organs and is almost never life-threatening, though it can significantly impact one’s quality of life. The focus of treatment is to manage the pain and symptoms.

    How Can Fibromyalgia Symptoms Be Differentiated From Lupus Activity

    Generally, in people with fibromyalgia and no other underlying condition, tests for inflammatory markers show normal results. Any of the following scenarios also may suggest that fibromyalgia, rather than lupus, is the underlying cause:

    • symptoms that do not respond to corticosteroids
    • widespread pain despite otherwise successful control of lupus symptoms or flares
    • absence of previously positive laboratory tests suggestive of lupus activity

    Because fibromyalgia can cause so many different types of symptoms, patients may seek care from a wide variety of specialists. This may contribute to the difficulty of getting a correct diagnosis and in determining whether lupus or fibromyalgia is the cause of any particular symptom. Communication among your doctors can help them make an agreed-upon diagnosis. It is also helpful for people with lupus to keep track of all of their symptoms to help their doctors discern any new patterns that may suggest a different diagnosis รข and different treatment.

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    Costochondritis Chest Pain In Fibromyalgia

    Do you have areas of your chest that are painful to the touch? A condition called costochondritis, which causes pain around the breastbone and rib cage, could be to blame. It’s believed to be common in people with fibromyalgia .

    Costochondritis is also called noncardiac chest pain or musculoskeletal chest pain. It does not involve the heart.

    Because anything and everything can hurt when you have FMS, a;lot of people don’t realize this pain is from a separate condition that requires its own treatment. Because any other sources of pain can make your FMS symptoms worse, it’s important for you to treat costochondritis.

    Costochondritis can make you think you’re having heart problems, which is a scary thing. Even though;costochondritis;is common, you should get medical attention if you have unexplained chest pain. You don’t want to assume that it’s FMS-related and end up with permanent heart damage or worse.

    What Is Upper Cervical Chiropractic

    Fibromyalgia & Pain Management : Causes of Neck Pain

    Upper cervical chiropractic involves the use of a low force adjustment to set the C1 and C2 in place. This, in turn, causes the rest of the spine to realign naturally. As a result, the removal of pressure from nerves in the shoulders, hips, and jaw happens. Proper blood flow to the brain can be restored. Therefore, many patients feel immediate benefits. The long-lasting adjustments give the body time to heal naturally.

    to schedule a consultation today.

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    Tendency To Cry Easily

    Fibromyalgia often make emotional reactions stronger than they were before and harder to control. Their emotions are much more sensitive than ever before. They cry more easily, and have less emotional reserve.

    Management :;Avoiding or minimizing stressful situations can reduce emotions. Get out of the house and reach out to others for help and sharing your feelings.

    What Are The Symptoms Associated With Fibromyalgia

    Life with fibromyalgia is not easy. Even the daily routine tasks become difficult to perform and the sufferer starts to feel depressed.

    Fibromyalgia is a combination of many symptoms such as headache, fatigue, depression, constant pain throughout the body, and at various tender points, sleep disturbances, flushed skin, stiffness in legs, etc.

    Women are more sufferers of fibromyalgia than men. 8 out of 10 sufferers of fibromyalgia are women. Women experience some other symptoms too apart from the symptoms mentioned above.

    Dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome , endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain dysfunction , etc are some of the symptoms that are found only in women suffering from fibromyalgia. Women are also known to have more tender points of fibromyalgia than men.

    Other than these, severe hip pain is also linked to fibromyalgia.

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    Fibromyalgia Treatment: Stress Reduction

    Many fibromyalgia patients admit feeling anxious, nervous, and even panicked during a fibromyalgia flare-up. Therefore, stress may play a very important role in triggering fibromyalgia symptoms. It is extremely difficult to measure stress levels in different patients because people react differently to certain events. Stress reduction in the treatment of fibromyalgia must be individualized. This might include simple stress modification at home or work, biofeedback, relaxation tapes, psychological counseling, and/or support among family members, friends, and doctors.

    Sometimes, changes in environmental factors can exacerbate the symptoms of fibromyalgia, and these factors need to be modified. Stress management in fibromyalgia patients may lead to less anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Patients may also experience better sleep and an increased quality of life.

    Fibromyalgia Treatment: Patient Education

    Dr. Sonja

    Patient education is an important first step in helping patients understand and cope with their diverse symptoms. Unfortunately, not all physicians are intimately acquainted with the variations of this illness. Community hospital support groups and the local chapters of the Arthritis Foundation have become important educational resources for patients and their doctors.

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    Is Fibromyalgia Pain Acute Or Chronic

    Acute pain comes on suddenly and can be severe. For instance, think about how suddenly your back can ache after you’ve bent down to lift a heavy package or a child. Yet, in more than 80% of cases, acute pain goes away in about two weeks. It runs its course and disappears as the problem is relieved. If your pain from a strained muscle lasts only a few days or weeks, it is considered acute.

    Chronic pain is pain that lasts much longer than someone would normally expect based on the original problem or injury. When pain becomes chronic, our bodies react in several ways. Chronic pain may be associated with abnormalities in brain chemicals, low energy, mood disorders, muscle pain, and impaired mental and physical performance. As neurochemical changes in your body increase your sensitivity to pain, the chronic pain worsens. You begin to have pain in other parts of the body that do not normally hurt.

    Alternative Treatments For Fibromyalgia

    Alternative treatments work well for some fibromyalgia patients. Holistic therapies influence one’s total being, which may reduce chronic pain and stress. Alternative remedies may allow patients to reduce their medications and increase normal activities. Doctors can help patients find an acceptable way to blend conventional medicine with alternative treatments or natural remedies. Alternative treatments may also be able to increase restful sleep and reduce fibromyalgia pain.

    Alternative Treatments List

    Alternative treatments for fibromyalgia may include the following:

    • Tai Chi and qi gong
    • Herbal remedies- Echinacea, black cohosh, lavender, milk thistle, and B vitamins
    • Natural dietary supplements- 5-HTP, melatonin, L-carnitine, SAM-e, and probiotics

    Before using alternative treatments, discuss their use with your doctor. Additional alternative treatments are presented in the following slides.

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    How Does The Brain Perceive Pain

    There are over 20 different kinds of nerve endings in your skin that tell you if among other sensations something is hot, cold, or painful. These nerve endings convert mechanical, thermal, or chemical energy into electrical signals that convey information to the brain and spinal cord — also known as the central nervous system or CNS. These signals travel to areas of your CNS where you perceive the stimuli as the sensations you actually feel — sensations such as searing, burning, pounding, or throbbing.

    Research suggests that the pain associated with fibromyalgia is caused by a “glitch” in the way the body processes pain. This glitch results in a hypersensitivity to stimuli that normally are not painful. According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases , research has shown that people with fibromyalgia have reduced blood flow to parts of the brain that normally help the body deal with pain.

    Why Many Fibromyalgia Patients Deal With Tmj And Shoulder Pain

    Fibromyalgia & Pain Management : What Causes Fibromyalgia?

    A columnist for Fibromyalgia News Today recently took to social media to see if any other fibromyalgia sufferers were dealing with joint pain. As a result, she discovered that many are suffering from conditions such as frozen shoulder, TMJ dysfunction, and bursitis of the hip, shoulder, and elbow. What is the connection between fibromyalgia, these particular joint disorders, and a small bone at the base of the skull?

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    Bones And When They Ache

    Hurting bones are not common normally however people who suffer from fibromyalgia are considered to have hurting bones. Tenderness, bone pain and others are all triggered by a sever disruption in your blood stream and fibromyalgia is somewhat that carries this along. People who suffer from this are considered to have sleep issues and an incapability to carry out physical exercises. Achy bones is an indication;that individuals experience on a daily basis but someone might certainly not recognize that it is because of fibromyalgia and it is consequently something that you have to check

    Management :;People should avoid caffeine and other stimulants in the evening and sleep in a quiet, dark room with comfortable bedding. They should not eat or watch TV in bed. Doctors may prescribe low doses of tricyclic antidepressants.;Aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are generally of limited benefit. Pain relievers, such as tramadol or acetaminophen, can help. Opioids, which can be habit-forming and become less effective over time, are best avoided when treating chronic disorders such as fibromyalgia.

    How Does The Chronic Pain Of Fibromyalgia Impact Lives

    Fibromyalgia’s chronic pain seems unending. The ongoing headaches, neck pain, aching joints, and painful tender points prevent sleep, causing you to awaken frequently at night. The chronic sleep disorder of fibromyalgia results in increased achiness, morning stiffness, and daytime fatigue. While you want to exercise and be active, you may suffer with foot pain, hip pain, knee pain, or other painful joints. All of these make it next to impossible to exercise with friends or to play with your kids or grandkids.

    The constant pain causes more irritation and difficulty dealing with others, including family members, friends, and people at work. For women with fibromyalgia who must take care of family members and work full-time, coping with pain is a challenge. If there is undiagnosed pain and no effective treatment or medication for the fibromyalgia, the overwhelming feelings can lead to irritability, exhaustion, anxiety, social isolation, and depression.

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    Is Fibromyalgia Linked To Mental Health Conditions Or Depression

    Fibromyalgia is commonly associated with depression and other mental health conditions. Because depression can cause symptoms similar to those of fibromyalgia, it can be difficult to distinguish between depression and fibromyalgia. Depression itself may affect how people respond to pain, and further research is needed to clarify the association between depression and fibromyalgia.

    What To Do If Youre Suffering Shoulder Pain In Fibromyalgia

    Shoulder Bursitis Causes

    If you or someone you care about is suffering from consistent or recurring pain in the shoulders, upper arms, and/or clavicle, dont assume that its only due to fibromyalgia. Some people suffer with this pain for months or even years without checking with a doctor because they assume that its the fibro. There are many other things that can cause pain in this area of the body.;

    Other possible causes of shoulder pain in fibromyalgia include not only trigger points, but a recent accident of any kind, even one that occurred in another area of the body.; Increased neck pain due to an accident or trauma to the neck can also make you more susceptible to pain around the clavicle and shoulder areas. In fact, if you suffer with morning stiffness around your neck area, this can easily radiate in the collar bone/clavicle area. Read more here about neck pain in fibromyalgia. It might be obvious, but avoid wearing a purse on one side of the body and consider wearing a light backpack purse if possible.;

    Improper posture of the upper body can also instigate this pain or exacerbate it when already there. With posture, most people tend to lean forward more than they realize, and this is easily exacerbated by excessive use of cellphones, computers, desk work, carrying kids, washing dishes, and more.

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    Alternative Fibromyalgia Treatment: Meditation

    With meditation, you allow your thoughts to take a break from daily analytical routines and live in the moment. Meditation produces brain waves consistent with serenity and happiness, which help to relieve anxiety. Meditation may provide nourishment for your soul, satisfies inner spiritual hunger, and helps you develop your ability to pay attention to all areas of life without distraction. Fibromyalgia patients may also be able to control their flare-ups and reduce pain. Preliminary findings suggest that a meditation-based stress-reduction program is effective for some patients with fibromyalgia.

    Meditation Benefits

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